Dav Network ICO Review

3 min readJun 12, 2018



Dav Network features a jumbled, difficult to read whitepaper with a mixed and unclear mission statement. I’ve dug through dozens of whitepapers, most are painful to read. With that said, Dav Network is unique in that it is promising and shitty at the same time.

What is Dav Network?

DAV is a blockchain-based transportation protocol that enables a decentralized, peer to peer, global transportation network. Our underlying infrastructure enables vehicles to discover, communicate, and transact with one another using DAV tokens. ¹

Essentially, Dav Network envisions a decentralized vehicular sharing marketplace. Users can rent peer to peer, to companies/organizations, anyone who wishes to rent. Conveniently, the Dav team neglected to mention regulations and roadblocks that will shut down the project before it starts.

Use Cases, As Stated in the Whitepaper

  • You want to quickly send a package to a friend who lives 30 miles away. Pull out your Dav App, call a drone, load up your package, send away. Easy peasy? Not really.

Rebutal: No fly zones exist all over the United States, other countries have similar restrictions and some countries have outright drone bans. Flying a drone in most major U.S cities is illegal. In less densely populated areas there is less demand for drone delivery. To summarize, peer to peer drone rentals will never work, as they are illegal in populated areas and unnecessary in sparsely populated areas.

  • Companies like Dominos and Amazon can rent drones from consumers to deliver pizza and packages. The users renting to these large, reputable, and self-reliant companies are completely anonymous, anonymized by the platform.
Source: Dav Network Whitepaper

Rebutal: Large companies have a tight leash on all aspects of their supply chain, and would never rent crucial supply chain components from anonymous individuals. Dav Network suggests charging, maintenance, and “docking” autonomous vehicles are issues serious enough to warrant outsourcing. I am speechless.

  • Through “Decentralized Discovery” autonomous vehicles can discover other vehicles around them, as well as service providers and clients.

Rebutal: This is a description of Google Maps.

Dav Network is a conceptual failure,

A Singular Challenge, as Stated in the Whitepaper

In the entirety of the whitepaper the team listed only one challenge, and the solution is weak to say the least.

  • A huge support network is needed for autonomous vehicles. Charging, repairs, docking, cleaning, rescue must exist worldwide. Their solution? Pay tokens to users providing these services.

Rebutal: Autonomous vehicles are complex machines, repairs may not last and repairs are almost always done by the manufacturer.

Who pays for the parts needed for repairs? This system does not differentiate between quality brand name replacement parts and shitty knock off parts. How does the system know a job has been done correctly? What about scratches or surface damage that is unreadable?

What about electricity costs when charging? Does payout change? Who pays for a drone if it breaks? The last operator?


The Dav Network whitepaper contains 7 pages of background information about drones, complete with pictures. There are 12 pages describing aspects of the actual project.

The idea is interesting, but will never work. Regardless of laws, a city cannot function with 5,000 drones bumping into eachother. Drones are loud, and often piss people off. There are endless reasons why this project will fail, and no reasons why this project should even exist.


This is not investment advice, always do your own research.


  1. https://dav.network/whitepaper.pdf




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